How To Stay Motivated During Exam Time?

August 23, 2022 0 Comments

How To Stay Motivated During Exam Time?

Here is a list of things you can do in order to keep your “study spirit” high!

1. Wake Up Early
If you have a proper sleep schedule, you won’t feel sleepy the moment you open your books to study. Following a short morning routine can also help you in getting rid of the lazy feeling. Make a to-do list for the day including all your study goals.

2. Love With Your Book
Until and unless you make an effort to read, you won’t feel motivated enough to continue. Encourage yourself by repeating “just one more page” in your mind.

3. Go For Short Break
Study for 25 minutes and take a short 5 minute break thereafter. During these 5 minutes ensure that you give your mind some space. Leave your work area and perhaps enjoy nature in your balcony for a few minutes. 

4. Divide Your Syllabus
Break your tasks or assignments into smaller pieces. This creates an illusion of less work. Each task completion will give you a sense of accomplishment.

5. Listen To Motivational Speakers
Motivational talks and speeches can help you if you are able to identify with the speaker. Look for similarities and try and understand how the speaker overcame his/ her problems. 

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